I asked her to stay but she wouldn’t listen She left before I had the chance to say Oh The words that would mend the things that were broken But now it’s far too late, she’s gone away
Every night you cry yourself to sleep Thinking: “Why does this happen to me? Why does every moment have to be so hard?” Hard to believe it It’s not over tonight Just give me one more chance to make it right I may not make it through the night I won’t go home without you
The taste of her breath, I’ll never get over The noises that she made kept me awake Oh The weight of things that remain unspoken Built up so much it crushed us everyday
Every night you cry yourself to sleep Thinking: “Why does this happen to me? Why does every moment have to be so hard?” Hard to believe it
It’s not over tonight Just give me one more chance to make it right I may not make it through the night I won’t go home without you
It’s not over tonight Just give me one more chance to make it right I may not make it through the night I won’t go home without you
Of all the things I felt but never really shown Perhaps the worst is that I ever let you go I should not ever let you go, oh oh oh
It’s not over tonight Just give me one more chance to make it right I may not make it through the night I won’t go home without you
It’s not over tonight Just give me one more chance to make it right I may not make it through the night I won’t go home without you And I won’t go home without you And I won’t go home without you And I won’t go home without you
Dis Is oUr neW BuildIng.. ni WaJaH2 staFF kaT neW buidinG.. nih adalaH arI lasT daY munirah.. kiTorang Wat suRprise..caM biasE..mKn kek pLG BesT.. coklaT inDulgEnce..huhu..bEsT siOT..
seLamaT bErtunanG To My fRen.. Ilyanie + ZakWan.. SelamaT menjadI tunanG Org.. sEDeh sbb x dapaT g kaT majLis yanie.. mmG hajaT ati nak G sane,,tapi terpakse di canceL dsaat akhIr.. tikEt poN dah bEli,,xterjuaL balik poN.. huhuhu.. cUti nih,,Sume aDik2 balIk blake.. sume BerkuMpul..ala2 mCm familY gathEring laaa.. mCm rayer Lak.. sO..kne korbankaN majlIs yanie.. Yanie,,sO soRy.. aPepOn,..kte dOakan awk bahaGIa dunia AkhiraT..ngan zaKU.. hehehe..=)))
WAJah2 GumBire DtMP. alwItzz hepY dmanE sahaja beraDa.. mmG hepI bangaT soKMO.. alwItzz gelakk,, gelaK tawA penYeri suasaNaaa.. lOve u all.. tq 4 suPPort ketua MU ini..hehhee
iTs My besDaYY.. lame daa mY adeQ suH letak gamBo besdaY..nih akak letakk,,,hehe=) bz skEt skang nih,,x leh nak upDatE bLog.huhuhu=(
mlM nih..BoB+nOr blanJe mkN pizza,,biasEr berempaT,,adeQ sorang laGIh.. huhu..akU+nOr+bob jeee.. mKn beria-ia..tp,,caM biase.. akU hny mamPu habIskan 2 Slices jer..alwaYs gni.. mkn punyue mkn..pasTu balIk.. dorang PusinG2..aku dapaT agk msT dorang nk knekan akU nih. tepOng ngan teLOr.. taPI oleh sebab kepenataN..bOb terus anTO kitorG balik.. sampai tertDO bob dalaM kete..penaT sgT koT.. dari paGi laGIh,,die anTo kitorang dalam kOL 1030 KOt.. ok laa..alhamdulillah..nothing hapPened,. sO rase slamaT laa.. masUk je umaH..nganTok n tDO.. Bob yg kepenataN poN..balIk umah.. tdO beria-iaa.. ntahh pUkul brape,,nOr ketuk pin2 bIlik.. dalam mamai2..nOr baGTh ade Org ketUk pin2 umah.. dGN muke nOr yg pucaT,,aku g BUkak pinTU,, BanGGG..banGGGG..teLoR kne atS kpale.. boB + nor lempang telOr ngan ganDumm.. mmG kronik tahap cipaN punYERR,,ceSSS.. kUrang asaM sunGGuH..jahaT bangaTT..MMg krOnik gleee.. apePon,,tHnaXXX tO bOth Of u,,thanxx to aDEq alsO..huhuhu
17jan2008 BoaRd meetIng medsEm..meeting nGan staff DTMP.. anD suRpriSe..dOrang beli kek CoklaT indulgenCe..secRet recepY.. FuYOOOOO..terkejuT bangaTTT.. TerhaRU glee..DapT mkN kekk.. Yg besTT bangAT.. tqqq vErY muCh tO everYbodYY.. LoVE u verYY muCHH..mmuahhhhxxxxx..
NOw im 26thYears olD,, HUhuhu.. Hope all MY dream cOmES true.. Mmmuahhhxxxx....
cTer ON 4 FebRuarI o8.. Today is Nor's besdaY.. hepy besDaY to mY lovelY fren.. esMoge panjang umuR n muraH rezeki slalU.. n cepaT kayEr + cepaT kaweN... mLm Td ingat nak blanjer die pizza,,tetibe lak die x laraT,, nak demaM laKK.. huhu..kesian lak.. ingaT nak kenakan die..ngelak laKK??? dunt woRRy..maSe maseh ader..
arinih foR the 1st time leH upldaTE blOg kaT bgunnn baRu.. penaT tunggu nak pindaH,, huhu..taPi still messY..berterabUr.. ape2pon..puas atI sbb leh gune interneT.. dapaT bilik yG agak canTik.. jeles ngan anK buah,,dapaT meje yg laGi canTik.. huhuhu.xpe xpee... wat ever..x saBo nak jalankan kehidUpan caM biasEr.. kaT new buildiNg.. mLm ni,,g kL lak. prEsidenTlisT awaRD..kne accoMpanY student.. n cOngratE 2 all mY stuDenT..=) mmuaHHH =)